Jo Chadwick Counselling Services
Space to Grow

What is counseling?
Counselling gives you a chance to talk to someone who is not connected with your day to day world and is a confidential space where you can explore any difficulties you are experiencing. In the midst of our busy lives and relationships, it can sometimes be difficult to unpick what is at the root of emotions. My aim is to be a partner in helping you to explore what’s wrong and why. I’m not here to tell you what to do, but I want to help you to make your own decisions.
What problems can counselling help with?
Life can sometimes feel difficult for a variety of reasons and often it’s not one thing that has made someone seek help. I work with issues as diverse as depression, anxiety, bereavement, addictions, eating disorders, sexuality, etc. Above all, however, I work with you. It’s not my role to label and diagnose you but rather to understand how it feels to be you and be alongside you in your experience, enabling you to talk about and explore your feelings in order that you can begin to see them more clearly.
How Does Counselling Help?
Life and those we love can sometimes bombard us with messages about how we ‘ought’ to feel, think and behave. Sometimes these are extremely valuable and help us to navigate our world. However, sometimes these messages can contradict what we feel inside and we learn to bury our responses in order to do what’s ‘right’. It’s my belief that this is where emotional difficulties can begin. Counselling provides an opportunity to make meanings from experience, to understand yourself better and a chance to work out what you need in the future.
What problems can counselling help with?
The only person who can truly answer that is you. Sometimes people fear that seeking counselling means they are lacking or that they are being self-indulgent and weak. In my experience, it takes a great deal of strength to admit that we are finding things difficult. Seeking help can represent a positive step on the road to feeling better.