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Jo Chadwick Counselling Services
Space to Grow
I see supervision as a place to grow, a space to feel supported and nourished and a place to stretch and challenge yourself.
The work we do is demanding and ever changing and a relationship where you can examine both the self you are bringing to the work alongside how best to support your client is an investment in both your personal well-being and your professional skills.
Just as in therapy the relationship is a fundamental ingredient and I offer a supervisee centred focus exploring your experience utilising the Seven-Eyed Supervision Model where all the dynamics of the work can be attended to to and held.
I have experience supporting supervisees in private practice and agencies in the voluntary sector, alongside supporting those who are counselling students and taking those first steps into the profession.
If you would like to enquire about supervisory work then please make contact in the usual way and we can explore your requirements further.
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